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So far Dzaki has created 6 blog entries.

Washing Machine Repair in Anchorage

Washer/Dryer Repair in Anchorage Your washer and dryer are probably the two most frequently used appliances in your home, aside from your refrigerator. If you have small children who constantly dirty their clothes, you likely use it even more. If something is wrong and you can't wash at home, that is a major inconvenience in [...]

By |2021-07-13T01:38:28+00:00July 6th, 2021|Repair, Washing Machines|Comments Off on Washing Machine Repair in Anchorage

Appliance Repair by Anchor Appliance

Appliance Repair A home appliance that operates correctly is often taken for granted- it is for this reason that when you do have a problem- we know that you want to get it taken care of as quickly as possible. At Anchor Appliance we strive to minimize your downtime. Who else can say that? Our [...]

By |2021-07-13T01:38:33+00:00June 11th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Appliance Repair by Anchor Appliance

Anchorage Appliance Repairs by Anchor Appliance

We understand that suddenly realizing you need an appliance repair can be a stressful experience. At Anchor Appliance of Anchorage, we’re here to make things a little easier for you. No… a LOT easier for you! In today’s busy, fast-paced world, we come to rely on our appliances more than ever. So when one just [...]

By |2021-07-13T01:38:35+00:00May 27th, 2021|Appliances, Repair, Washing Machines|Comments Off on Anchorage Appliance Repairs by Anchor Appliance

We Are Dishwasher Repair Specialists

Dishwasher Repair Service Anchor Appliance Repair is a family owned and operated appliance repair service that has been in business in Anchorage since 1960. We provide quality appliance repair services at a reasonable price. Our technicians have years of experience and are dedicated to giving you the quality service you deserve. We have the knowledge [...]

By |2021-07-13T01:36:03+00:00January 15th, 2016|Appliances, Repair|Comments Off on We Are Dishwasher Repair Specialists

We repair washing machines

Anchorage Washer and Dryer Repair Anchor Appliance Repair has the specialized knowledge and skill to get your washing machine or dryer back in tip-top shape fast. Anchor Appliance Repair specializes in all types of household appliance repair, including washing machine repairs. We service a full range of makes and models, so no matter what type [...]

By |2021-07-13T01:36:03+00:00January 4th, 2016|Washing Machines|Comments Off on We repair washing machines

Anchorage Alaska Appliance Repair

No matter where you bought it, we can fix it. Anchor Appliance Repair will repair most major brands, makes, and models. Are you looking for quality and reputable Anchorage Appliance Repair Service? With over 55 years of successfully diagnosing and repairing appliances we are the oldest Anchorage Service and Repair company in Alaska. We are [...]

By |2021-07-13T01:36:03+00:00January 1st, 2016|Appliances, Repair|Comments Off on Anchorage Alaska Appliance Repair